......... Die Freiheit ist ein Träumendes
Im Bauch des Lebens .........

Neue Mailadresse: zuala.luschnat@gmx.net

Ueber mich:
Seit 1990 bin ich gepruefte Heilpraktikerin.
Ich bin Mitfrau beim Lachesis Heilpraktikerinnenverband

Ich wurde 1959 in Muenchen geboren. Ich bin teils in Marseille aufgewachsen, bei Menschen aus dem Magreb, daher spreche ich Franzoesisch. Mit 16 von zu Hause weg gegangen, wurde ich durch Reisen im Rahmen der intern. feministischen Bewegung, der Begegnung mit dem Buddhismus (83), sowie der Suche nach alternativen Heilungswegen + dem Studium der Homoepathie gepraegt.
Als Homoeopathin bin ich 3 Jahre (84-87) klassisch ausgebildet, inkl. supervidierter Praxis. Dann absolvierte ich 1 Jahr Fachausbildung und mehrere Praktika, sowie viele WE Seminare. Seit 2004 bin ich zertifiziert als Homoeopathin bei der Qualitaetskonferenz des Bundes Klassischer Homoeopathen Deutschlands (BKHD).

Ich behandele (seit 1987), seit 97 in angemeldeter HP. Praxis. 97 - 06 in der Praxis Heilweise. Okt. 06 - Feb. 21 in der Wiener Str. 59 h im Stern Massagen im Bad am Spreewaldplatz.
Massagen & Homoepapie biete ich an. Sowie Soziale Assistenz mit homoeopathischer Beratung.

Massage: Erfahrungen in einem Auraseminar bei Jytte Linstadt (84-86) vertieften mein Verstaendnis von den Dimensionen des Lebens-Energiefeldes. 4 Jahre konnte ich dieses Wissen im Massage-team des Hamam anwenden.

Ich halte seit 1997 Vortraege, die auch angefragt werden koennen:

Vortraege:+ Diskussion: auch auf Anfrage:zuletzt

Trauma - Krise - System I-IV ( als 1,2,3 oder 4 Teile)

Alternativen zur Psychiatrie und Systemkrise denken.
Veraenderungen im System gemeinsam anpeilen.

Pers. Budget:Menschenrechte oder Marktmechanismen?
Konsument oder Buerger? Arbeit oder Leben ?

In den 70gern hiess es:
"Frauen das verrueckte Geschlecht?"
(Phyllis Cheslers feministischer Klassiker)

Heutzutage analysiert Melanie Klein, dass das Kapitalistische System, durch Krisenschocks seine Herrschaft sichert. Das Patriarchat herrscht an zu vielen Orten und zu sehr, es ist,durch die Abhaengigkeit der Frauen, der Hauptfaktor der zu Ueberbevoelkerung treibt, autonome Frauen haben weniger Kinder, das ein oekologisches Problem durch das kapitalistische Patriarchat.

Das "Soziale" und seine Traumatisierung ist dabei integraler Teil der Machtpolitiken. Dies ist nur moeglich, weil und solange "das Soziale" als gratis Reproduktionsarbeit den Frauen zugedacht und abgewertet wird und parallel die Natur als unbegrenzt ausbeutbar angesehen wird!

Heute wissen wir seit der Studie von Kate Picket und Richard Wilkinson zum Gerechtigkeitsfaktor bzw. Ungerechtigkeit in Gesellschaften und deren Auswirkungen, gerade auch im Gesundheitssektor, auch die Reichen sind kraenker in ungerechteren Gesellschaften. Wen wundert das ? Aber wir wissen auch, dass wir uns die strukturelle Gewalt der zunehmenden Ungerechtigkeit nicht mehr leisten koennen und immer weniger leisten koennen werden! Daher werden die Menschen auch immer mehr psychisch krank.
Wie laeuft das bei uns? Ist der Neoliberalismus gebrochen nach der Krise 2008?

Heute sollen "Betroffene" des Psychiatriesystems ihre Menschenrechte besser sichern koennen durch Einkauf auf dem Markt? Waehrend sie selber nur als Kranke zu solchen Mitteln Zugang erhalten, bleibt ihnen der Normalitaetsfaktor- Arbeitsmarkt meistens verschlossen. Auf diesem eng gefuehrten Markt grassiert aber das Mobbing, das wiederum seelisch krank macht.
Sind jetzt alle Gender plem plem ? Wie Arbeit und Menschenwuerde, Ueberleben und Solidaritaet zusammen herstellen?

Vorherige Vortraege:( Datum des Erstvortrages)

- Wer ist hier eigentlich plem plem ? (2007)

- Vergleich der Wirkweise von Neuroleptika und Homoeopathie bezogen auf seelische Leiden.(2005)

- Homoeopathie fuer die Wechseljahre : Wechseljahre als Lebensphase im Gegensatz zur Definition durch die Hormonindustrie und im kulturellen Vergleich, wie hilft Homoepathie ? warum sind welche homoeopathischen Mittel bei uns am haeufigsten angezeigt und was laesst sich daran erkennen. (1997-2006)

- Ich schreibe hin und wieder.....:

Texte : Artikel von mir zu Corona aus miasmatischer Sich im Lachesis Magazin von April 2021, siehe www.lachesis.de

Freedom is a dreaming
in the guts of life,
germinate the manyfold relations
coagulate to selfhood
this peculiar drop,
called home at the borders
but in the center: longing.
longing is without borders,
to enter time till its voidness of beginning
related thus
to every dreaming,
and every knowledge
is but a touch of this freedom:
vage like a tear or like the sea,
but plain like swimming realised: self
at home in longing germinates the freedom
and it touches the world

Essentiell wichtig ist folgender Zusammenhang:
aus der buddhistischen Psychology mit der realen Welt in den letzten Jahren : elementar

water is human right!

global action 26 Jan. & IWD 8. March 2008 Berlin Mariannenpl. come and bring a glas to share some Water
Stopp destructive privatisation & war ! water supply is a human right!

water is in many parts of the world a reason for wars & wars to come that we need to stop now! This is possible, when the ecological resource water is recognised as a basic human right to be secured by a globalisation of justice and democratic understanding. All stories about the origins of life on the planet agree on this: Life came out of the ocean or from the stars ! Yes? : Following all that we know from the modern religion of science they are right and there is no contradiction.

Because: H2O =water springs up in parts of the universe where stars are just beeing born with heat. Hydrogen H is the lightest, oldest and all pervading element in the universe. O = oxygen arises from nuclear reactions in the center of such young stars and is set free into the universe. Take 2 parts of free Hydrogen from the source of the universe, add 1 part oxygen from the breath of young stars, heat gently and voila a drop of water! . One place where water currently arises in the dimension of ca. 60 times the volume of the oceans of planet earth is the Orion nebula. a well observed region of the known universe . In a similar manner water will have come on to earth in the times when the milky way was younger and the earth still a lifeless rock From then it still took some time untill humans were able to tell each other how life started and thereby start wars and kill each other in the name of minor differences in their stories. But why realy ?

Feminism for everybody: equality in diversity makes free !
We consist to 70 - 80 % of water only. We need around 2 liters of water daily to stay in living connection with the rest of life. The watermolecules, that travel throught us thereby are since the beginning of life on this planet . So we are in connection with all co-living creatures and have part in the memories of all cultures that the planet ever saw by this flow of water trought us. Women are assoziated with the origins of life because the water that we came out of this time is the amniotic fluid in the belly of our mother. Because of this and because our mothers beeing mostly the first to quench our thirst, women in all parts of the globe got the task to bring the water home. The water stands thereby symbolicaly for the social task of nurturig the newborn into becoming a human, that we expect the mothers to accomplish for free. Not we are born free, but we are born dependent on a kind mother to make us human.It could also be another gender mothering with love ! Natur is Mother to all living creatures on Earth, as we are dependent on many other beings too.

But in patriarchy -women- are mostly not free and honored for trying to accomplish this task, but devaluated and often kept unfree in the status as a possession and slave to "men". Today we try to release those patterns and thereby look closer for understanding and reevaluating the very comlex tasks that were for long time unpayed work of -women-. They shall be detached from constructed gederrolle expectations that have often broungt beliefs with deadly consequences. Because when humans say "nature" it is allready "culture" .

Look into the mirror ! To feel equal with everything alife on the basis that we are all transitory is a clear perpective in the mirror of the element water.

Above all cultural limits this insight could unite us on the most basic level of survival which we need to do to face ecological changes without escalating into wars without limit.

Empowerment is a fundamentaly nonhierarchical process, thats why it nurtures and why women are to give it for free. In capitalist/patriarchy this leads to exploitation and devaluation because hierarchies rule in patriarchy.
Since "women" as political subjec has been deconstructed lately by the genderbender generation of feminism, solidarity needs to be brought back in to flow on an elementary level. This is so because the acting around old role modells gives them energy and the freedom from deconstructing them needs to be fullfilled by growth to prevent reenacting old errors. Which errors ? Patterns of collective unlearning of empathy in totalitarian situations as in NS Germany and comparable collective freezing into mad actions and the echoes that followed them.

What has this to do with water? Water is, folowing the buddhist elemental knowing, basicaly concerned with the connection to oneself and what is "the other" to it. As Human beeings we start to become such, as we look into the eyes of a mothering person, thereby we learn social competece and loose the broad spectrum awareness that we have before that and that autists keep, while they miss the social/emotional knowing, that helps us to survive as a social animal.

This means water holds the positive potencial to recognise oneself with empathy mirrored in every living beeings trials to live also those we consider as "other" -friend or or "foreign".

Whilst the negative side of it lies in the unconscious potencial that can make people project heir own repressed fears onto those that demagoges present as the cause of the problem= "foreign" and as enemies to be hated like we saw it done in the third reich. Then empathy is socialy unlearned and fear distorted into hating the "other" defined as danger.
It is then "de-humanised" so that it can be destroyed without our human compassion interpelling.

In the third reich this principle in action created a collective -madness- that called itself "scientific" that made the murder of 10 Million people a normative casuality. It is important to see the danger of such dynamics in our human nature and to keep the development of compassion a basic of democratic cultural prerequisite.

Accountabillity laws for global players now !!!

Local income from water management should not be privatised ! But global water tax on it can secure that we all share in a sane way the water on the planet wile caring for ecological survival together. Water suply as a human right means communal water-commitees would decide who is reliable enough to get the job of local water management. With a globaly valuable eco law - that we need to install - corporations that contaminate water, like Union Carbide ( and this now Dow Chemical its new owner) did in Bhopal need to be sued harshly by this law and they need to pay as long as the damage done to the resource water for the local people is not totaly removed. It would be the local water commitees that decide who is reliable enough to do this job of cleaning the water and the ground from the fines payed by the damaging corporation. We demand this in Solidarity with ourselfes with the women/people of Bhopal, those in Palestine, that cannot share the sparse water in ways that would make peace easier to establish, those that pay costly for water in the slums of the world, while their richer neighbours with water taps pay less and with everybody fair enough to deserve to live on a democratic planet
ViSdP R. Luschnat Berliner Frauen Forum

What is human ?

Human ?
is the animal that reads:
it read the woods, read the sky, the sea, the fire,
it read the mountains,
like godess/gods spelling :
"here am!"
it read long times
and wrote back eventualy.
it wrote back
a million lines, and
a river of tales
springs from the horizont
that encircles the cell:
dark words echoe mirrorlike
saying: who am i ?

not one of the animals doesnt know,
no other animal knows
this quest:alone,
as is written:
he/she written in somebodies sands
and wawes wash over it
leaving lines to be
deciphered, rewritten, remembered, contained-released:
mysterious parts and pieces changing patterns
to be en folded to new stories
as bottles pass by with letters
from i am - places of longing
and always in need to be given away,
or personaly maybe just a majuscule?
to be read.


for a distant love:
The words
where do the words come from ?
Fingers, pointing to the moon,
single hands clapping,
drops........falling from the sky:
big rain.
where do the words come from ?
My spirit is with your spirit
in the big One.
In the heart of silence,
about which life
endlessly tells stories..

Where do the words go to?

The bridges,
the doors,
the windows and the walls,
the houses and prisons
of our transitory existence,
the weapons and the mirrors,
are calling our questions into the wind:
Life allways answers accuratly,
sooner or later we will recognise it.
when all wishes capitulate,
the words come back home
into the heart:
opening and opening and opening
the moment


Feministische Perspektiven auf die Corona-Krise

Online Veranstaltung vom 8. Maerz 2021


Corona braucht Solidaritaet - Corona fordert Transformation

Artikel in der Fachzeitschrift LACHESIS Nr. 50 "Pandemie - ganzheitlich betrachtet" 2021

Artikel als PDF aus LACHESIS